Molten Vole


Sad Cronk's Bongo Street Fights

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Have you travelled on a camel
Trampling the drab gravel?
Have you fought in street fights
Underneath the city lights?

Sad Cronk bangs the bongos
Sad Cronk rumbles drums
Rushing on percussion
His scummy thumbs

Battling foes with bongos
Bouncing sound around surrounding alcoves
Startling how his fame grows
Most local folk know to close their windows

Have you ever fashioned a hat
From the ears of a fruit bat?
Have you ever championed fights
In sequined tights?

Sad Cronk bonks the congas
Sad Cronk thins pig skins
Gyrating syncopation
Like puffin wings

Battling foes with bongos
Bouncing sound around surrounding alcoves
Startling how his fame grows
Most local folk know to close their windows

These windows
They're closed
They're closed
They're closed
They're just closed

Battling foes with bongos
Salty teardrops trickling down his nose
Startling how his fame grows
Devoted droves oppose the blows rivals throw