Molten Vole


Morbid Obesity

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Awfully paunchy
But empty internally
Beneath the golden arches stands
A clown with the world in his hands
Surrendering his heart and soul
To pledge excess cholesterol

There's something in the beef
That's got me feeling relieved again
There's something in the grease
That's got me really obese again

I'm unsure if this meal's happy
I've become quite a super size you see
Place the blame so it's not me
Self-destructing slowly

I'm in a pickle
And a pickle is in me
Bow down for the double pounder
Should you encounter the founder
Better yet a letter would be fit
To attest you are loving it

There's something in the cheese
That's got me feeling at ease again
There's something in the grease
That's got me really obese again