Molten Vole


I've Become One

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Last night
I was bitten and now I'm a vampire
I don't even know what the
Role requires

Where should I sleep
Hanging from my feet?

I've turned slightly purple
Puffy like a gerbil

I popped
To the costume shop
To see what they stock and I
Found a
Blood soaked cloak

Will the sunlight
Be the end of my life?
Or will I see

Last night
I was bitten and now I'm a vampire
Shadowing a senior would
Help a new hire
I tried
To have a little chew on someone's neck
My teeth couldn't pierce the flesh
So what the heck?

I loved garlic
Now it makes me sick

I need a bleak castle
But mortgages are hassle

I'm not forlorn
Now my reflection's gone
I guess this curse
Could be much worse

And if soon it concludes
I'll come back to you

Last night
I was bitten and now I'm a vampire
Never saw myself wearing
This chic attire
I tried
To have a little chew on someone's neck
My teeth couldn't pierce the flesh
So what the heck?

Last night
I was bitten and now I'm a vampire
I don't even know what the
Role requires