Molten Vole


Beware Electric Chair

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A brick room with basic decor
Trip hazard wires on the floor
A jumbo chair of oakwood
Wasn't upholstered

In swaggers a chap
With a ragged cap
Seeming upbeat
He takes the hot seat

Hey, by the way, just to say
I honestly wouldn't sit there
I will admit I like to sit
But that is an electric chair

Given the motivation of
It's not apparatus
Designed to oversee
Massage or mobility

Better call the electrician
Repair the chair's condition
I think a thousand volts might
Be too few in hindsight

After revision
Back in position
No time to test
Let's hope for the best

Hey, by the way, just to say
I honestly wouldn't sit there
I will admit I like to sit
But that is an electric chair

I fear this approach
Is unfashionable
Sharks aren't cruel
Or unusual