Molten Vole



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Drop your weapon
I saw you concealing it beneath
Your dirty broken teeth
And you can't
Outsmart me

I apprehended you with such ease
Like a tissue catches a sneeze
And all you wanted was a big fat piece of cheese
Well get on your knees
Get on your knees
Get on your knees
And show me your wrists please

I am the law enforcement here
My hat is taller than yours
I catch the crooks and suppress fear
I enforce laws

Sleeping is not an option for me

Bad boys
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do?
When I come for you
For you

Seizing this geezer was a breeze
Like a kitten catches fleas
And we will see if the judge agrees
That he's a greasy sleaze and he
Will throw away the keys

I am the law enforcement here
My hat is taller than yours
I catch the crooks and suppress fear
I enforce laws

Treacle will only slow my feet down

At my ways
And you will truly know the way
To behave